A non-wastable earned income tax credit was implemented in 2008 in selected geographical areas of Israel covering 15 % of the population. Entitlement to this credit is established based on earnings in the previous year. The tax credit was extended to all areas of Israel in 2012 (based on the earnings in 2011 and therefore we already included it in the 2011 version of the model). For mothers of children up to the age of two and for single parents the full coverage started in 2011 (based on earnings in 2010).
Under the law, workers aged 23 or more who are parents of one or two children aged less than 18 (or workers aged 55 or more even without children), and earn at least ILS 2 120 per month (about 40% of the minimum wage) but not more than ILS 6 380 per month are eligible for a monthly increment of up to ILS 340. The corresponding figure for a family with three or more children is ILS 490.
Since 2016, single parents are eligible for the EITC for a wider income range – from ILS 1 300 per month to ILS 9 660 per month (for a single parents of 1-2 children) or ILS 11 790 per month (for a single parents of three or more children).
Since 2013 (based on earnings in 2012), these sums were increased by 50% for working mothers (and fathers in one-parent family).
A temporary measure (for earnings in 2018 only), expanded the 50% bonus to all working fathers and furthermore added a bonus of 30% for families where both parents work. This measure is not for earnings in 2020 and is not included in the Taxing Wages modelling for 2020.
Families in which both parents work, and their joint income does not exceed ILS 12 120, are entitled to these benefits for each wage-earner. The grant is paid four times a year directly into the account of the eligible persons.
2020 Parameter values