Exemption from social security contributions (employee’s and employer’s part) for up to 3 months period for enterprises registered before February 2020:
exemption of 50% from SSC in enterprises that have reported to Social Security Fund from 10 to 49 people
exemption of 100% from SSC in enterprises that have reported to Social Security Fund from 1 to 9 people,
Since less than half of the full-time workers within sectors B to N are affected by the temporary exemption of social security contributions, the measure is not considered in the Taxing Wages calculations.
Subsidies for employee remuneration costs and social security contributions up to three months period:
a subsidy to downtime pay in the amount of 50% of minimum wage plus social security contributions
a subsidy up to half of the salary of employees, but no more than 40% of the average monthly salary from the previous quarter plus social security contributions
The subsidy can be granted if the decline in sales revenues amounted to:
not less than 15% - calculated as the ratio of total sales revenues in the following two months period after Jan 2020, to the total sales revenues from the corresponding 2 months of the previous year (i.e. 2019); or
not less than 25% - calculated as the ratio of total sales revenues in any given month in the period after Jan 2020 compared to the turnover from the previous month.
Subsidies for employee remuneration costs and social security contributions for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises for up to 3 month period in the amount of:
50% of minimum wage plus social security contributions per employee, if the decline in sales revenues amounted to 30%,
70% of minimum wage plus social security contributions per employee, if the decline in sales revenues amounted to 50%,
90% of minimum wage plus social security contributions per employee, if the decline in sales revenues amounted to 80%.
A decline in total sales revenues is calculated based on the following two months of 2020 compared to the total sales revenues from the corresponding 2 months of 2019.