The Future of Rural Youth: Tapping the Potential of Local Value Chains in Developing Countries was prepared by the OECD Development Centre for the European Union-OECD Youth Inclusion Project under the overall guidance of Ji-Yeun Rim, Co-ordinator; Alexandre Kolev, Head of the Social Cohesion Unit; Naoko Ueda, Deputy Director; and Mario Pezzini, Director of the Development Centre, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). The report was drafted by Alexandre Kolev (OECD); Maria Lee, Independent Expert; Ji-Yeun Rim (OECD); and Pablo Suarez Robles, Economist (OECD) in close collaboration with Bernd Seiffert, Local Institutions and Rural Livelihoods Officer (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations [FAO]). Statistical and research assistance was provided by Toma Savitki, Policy Analyst (OECD).
The report benefited from field examples and technical inputs from international organisations, research institutes and non-governmental organisations with experience in mainstreaming youth in agricultural value chain projects and programmes. The contributions from the following individuals are gratefully acknowledged: Bernd Seiffert, Francesca Dalla Valle, Ileana Grandelis, Ajuaye Sigalla, Nomathemba Mhlanga, David Neven, Benjamin Doin, Oumar Syll, Cristina Rapone, Denis Herbel, and Boris Gandon from the FAO; Mattia Prayer Galletti, Elena Pietschmann, Ben Odoemena, Ibifuro Ibeakuzie, Lucia Di Troia, and Khadidja Doucoure from the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD); Charlotte Goemans from the International Labour Organization (ILO) in Tanzania; Umadevi Swaminathan and Smita Bhatnagar from the Self Employed Women’s Association (SEWA); Ken Lohento from the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation ACP-EU (CTA); Christian Mersmann from the Global Donor Platform on Rural Development; Christophe Yvetot and Eduin Matta Castillo from the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO); and Lucia Wegner from the Royal Tropical Institute (KIT).
The final report benefited from technical comments from Adrien Lorenceau, Arthur Minsat, Jan Rielaender and Vicente Ruiz, OECD Development Centre; Maria Rosa De Paolis, European Commission; Bernd Seiffert, FAO; and Mattia Prayer Galletti, IFAD and Christophe Yvetot and Eduin Matta Castillo, UNIDO.
The financial contribution of the European Union is gratefully acknowledged.