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Share knowledge about tested measures that reduce transport emissions

A single invention to stop global heating is unlikely to be found. Doing what is already possible, on all fronts, by everyone, will be the most effective policy approach. More public-private co-operation nationally and internationally is necessary to create the conditions for the introduction and scaling up of decarbonisation measures as rapidly as possible.

Effective interventions should be further deployed. These include operational measures like the “slow steaming” of freight ships, which reduces greenhouse gas emissions by 19% for a 10% reduction in speed. Educational measures also work, for instance “eco-driving” training for truck drivers - fuel-efficient driving styles reduce trucks carbon emissions by up to 15%. Design improvements like air lubrication of ship hulls or weight optimisation in aircraft also save CO2. Streamlined customs procedures cut carbon, as trucks no longer have to inch forward for hours or even days at border points while emitting diesel fumes. Governments and businesses should intensify their collaboration to create pilot projects and test decarbonisation opportunities.



Video: 10 Facts about Transport and Climate Change, International Transport Forum (2019)

Report: Adapting Transport to Climate Change and Extreme Weather, International Transport Forum (2016).

Report: Tackling Environmental Problems with the Help of Behavioural Insights, OECD (2017)
