Changes in air quality affect human health and cause severe environmental damage, with economic and social consequences. The indicators here show emissions of selected air pollutants (SOx, NOx, PM 2.5), human exposure to fine particulates in the air and related mortality rates and costs.
Environment at a Glance
Environment at a Glance Indicators provides real-time interactive on-line access to the latest comparable OECD-country data on the environment from the OECD Core Set of Environmental Indicators – a tool to evaluate environmental performance in countries and to track the course towards sustainable development. The interactive thematic webbooks allow users to play with the data and graphics, download and share them. These indicators provide key messages on major environmental trends in areas such as climate change, biodiversity, water resources, air quality, circular economy and ocean resources.
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Biological diversity plays an essential role in maintaining life-support systems and quality of life, and provides key resources and services for the economy. Its preservation is key to a sustainable development. The indicators here show threatened species, protected areas, forest resources and land cover.
Climate change
Climate change affects ecosystems, water resources and human activity, with significant consequences for human well-being and economic output. The indicators here show greenhouse gas and carbon emissions, developments in energy supply and fossil fuel subsidies.
Freshwater resources
Freshwater resources are of major environmental, economic and social importance. Ensuring their sustainable management is key to avoid overexploitation and degradation. The indicators here show freshwater abstractions and water stress levels, and connection rates to wastewater treatment plants.
Ocean resources
The ocean is vital for human activities and well-being. Reducing marine pollution and plastic litter, and managing ocean resources sustainably is crucial for preserving marine ecosystems and maintaining their economic value. The indicators here show coastal urbanisation, CO2 emissions from international marine bunkers, technological innovation, marine and coastal protected areas, ocean-related taxes and fossil fuel support.
Waste and materials
Material resources form the physical foundation of the economy. Their extraction and use has environmental, economic and social consequences in countries and beyond national borders. Sustainable materials management is key to avoid that valuable materials end up as waste. The indicators here show material consumption and related footprints, as well as waste generation and treatment of municipal waste.
Discover regional and country data
Country notes
Environment at a Glance: Country Notes feature selected environmental indicators from the OECD Core Set, including a few indicators on countries’ socio-economic context to facilitate interpretation. They show the progress that countries have made in addressing environmental issues, including climate change, air quality, waste and the circular economy, water management, and biodiversity conservation.
Spotlight on Climate Change in Latin America and the Caribbean
Environment at a Glance in Latin America and the Caribbean: Spotlight on Climate Change focusses on climate change, looking at trends in greenhouse gas emissions, exposure to climate-related hazards and climate policies. It examines past progress and remaining efforts to be made in Latin America and the Caribbean. The indicators presented come from OECD and other international databases. This interactive report allows users to play with the data and graphics and to download and share them.
Environment at a Glance in the EU Eastern Partnership Countries
The five Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries—Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova, and Ukraine—are at the strategically important crossroads of Western Asia and Europe. This report draws on indicators available in OECD and other international databases on green growth and environmental performance in the EaP countries. It combines selected central elements of the OECD Green Growth Indicators Framework and the OECD Core Set of Environmental Indicators.