The total support to agriculture (TSE) provided in OECD countries represented USD 317 billion (EUR 285 billion) per year on average in 2015-17 of which 72%, or USD 227 billion (EUR 205 billion), was provided as support to farms (PSE). Support to farms represented 18% of gross farm receipts (%PSE) in 2015-17 across the OECD area, a decline from almost 30% in 1995-97 (Table 2.1).
Together with the level of support, the way support is delivered to farmers has also evolved. In particular, the development in support to agriculture in the OECD area is characterised by the long-term decline of support based on commodity output (including market price support and output payments). This form of support has been identified as having the strongest potential to distort agricultural production and trade, together with the payments based on the unconstrained use of variable inputs which also play a smaller role today across the OECD than twenty years ago.
At the other end of the spectrum in the PSE classification, less distorting forms of support are found, such as payments based on parameters that are not linked to current production or based on non-commodity criteria such as land set aside or payments for specific environmental or animal welfare outcomes. Most notably, payments based on historical entitlements (generally crop areas or livestock numbers of a given reference year in the past) have increased significantly in many OECD countries, representing 4% of gross farm receipts and more than a fifth of the PSE across OECD countries during 2015-17. Payments based on current crop areas and animal numbers were reduced slightly from 1995-97 and represent currently around 15% of total farm support (Table 2.1).
The expenditures financing general services to the sector (GSSE) declined slightly in the OECD area from USD 44 billion per year in 1995-97 to USD 40 billion in 2015-17. Most of these expenditures in 2015-17 go to the financing of infrastructures (USD 17.5 billion), despite a slight decline compared to 1995-97, while the expenditures to Agricultural knowledge an innovation (USD 13 billion) have increased by half since 1995-97. Expenditures for inspection and control services also increased while spending for marketing and promotion activities and on public stockholding declined in the same period, but all of these represented substantially smaller shares of the GSSE (Table 2.1).