Fiscal policy is supporting activity in the face of weaker external growth. The primary budget surplus is estimated to fall from 1.3% of GDP in 2018 and 2019 to 1.0% of GDP in 2020 and 2021. The government plans new policy measures for 2020 and 2021, including lower social contributions, renewing fiscal incentives linked to the “Industry 4.0” programme to encourage private investment, and higher public investment especially in lagging regions. The government plans to finance these measures through higher revenues, including new environmental and sugar taxes, raising VAT compliance, lower interest costs and spending cuts. Overall, the fiscal measures and slower growth will make the public debt ratio rise in 2019 to 136% of GDP before it starts falling from 2021. The government is committed to support activity while complying with the EU Growth and Stability Pact.
Putting public debt on to a sustained downward path, while supporting growth, especially in lagging areas, will require implementing a credible medium‑term fiscal plan alongside ambitious structural reforms. Applying spending reviews to rationalise spending, reversing the changes in early retirement rules introduced in 2019 and preserving the link between retirement ages and life expectancy would free resources for more effective programmes and public investment and improve inter‑generational equity. Reducing tax expenditures, especially environmentally harmful subsidies, and combatting tax evasion will support revenues and broaden the tax base, allowing the government to raise environmental quality and enhance the fairness of the tax system.
Lasting and inclusive gains in income and living standards require raising Italy’s lagging productivity and employment. Reducing administrative barriers to investing and enhancing competition in markets that are still protected, such as professional services, would support productivity and investment. Improving public sector performance, especially in lagging regions, is pivotal to raising productivity, activity and inclusiveness. Strengthening the public employment services is central to the Citizen’s Income social protection and work activation programmes. Implementing the government’s plans to expand access to childcare and increase education and care support for families will improve inclusiveness and reduce barriers to work for women.