45% of the insured’s average monthly covered earnings is paid for the first 18 years (men, gradually rising to 20 years by 2022) or 15 years (women) of contributions plus 2% of the insured’s average monthly covered earnings for each year of contributions exceeding 18 years (men, gradually rising to 20 years by 2022) or 15 years (women). The maximum accrual is 75%.
Old-age grant
If total contributions are less than 20 years, retirees receive a lump sum is paid of 1.5 times the insured’s covered average monthly earnings in the last five years for years of contributions before 2014, plus 2 times the insured’s covered average monthly earnings in the last five years for contributions since 2014.
Old-age social assistance
According to the Decree 20/2021/NĐ-CP dated 15 March 2021 with effect from 1 July 2021, a minimum social pension is VND 360 000. A multiplier is applied with this minimum level: (i) 1.5 (or benefit is VND 540 000) for those aged 60 to 79 who are living in poor households without family members, or with support from family members who are also receiving social assistance benefits; (ii) 2 (or benefit is VND 720 000) for those aged 80 and over who are living in poor households without family members, or with support from family members who are also receiving social assistance benefits; and 1 (or benefit is VND 360 000) for those aged 80 and over who do not have any social insurance and assistance benefits; and (iii) 3 (or benefit is VND 1 080 000) for any older people who are living in poor households without family members but receiving support from community.