France’s ODA budget is made up of 24 separate budget programmes across 13 missions managed by 14 ministries, along with extra-budgetary funds. The institutional set-up consists of: 1) the Presidential Development Council, chaired by the President of the Republic and attended by the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs (MEAE) and the Minister of Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty (MEFSIN), which takes strategic decisions pertaining to the development policy; 2) the Interministerial Committee for International Cooperation and Development, chaired by the Prime Minister and attended by the Secretary for Development Policy within the MEAE, which sets the general framework for France’s development co-operation and the articulation between the various actors and methods of intervention; 3) the MEAE and the MEFSIN have competency for implementing the policy; and 4) the AFD Group which, under the joint authority of the MEAE and the MEFSIN, implements France’s development policy. The group includes AFD, which finances the public sector and non-governmental organisations, as well as research and education in sustainable development; its subsidiary Proparco, which is dedicated to private sector financing; and Expertise France, the technical co-operation agency.
The MEAE has more than 1 500 staff working on development co-operation, 83% of whom serve abroad. The MEFSIN has more than 60 staff members in its General Directorate of the Treasury working directly on development co-operation (including in development banks). AFD has more than 2 300 staff, 60% of whom are employed at headquarters and 40% in partner countries.