Delivery of Norway’s development co-operation is shared between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), the Ministry of Climate and Environment, Norad, Norfund, and the Norwegian Agency for Exchange Cooperation (Norec). The MFA is responsible for formulating policies and strategies. In 2022, it disbursed roughly half of Norwegian ODA. The Ministry for Climate and Environment is responsible for Norway’s International Climate and Forests Initiative (NICFI). Norad is responsible for implementing and managing grants under the responsibility of the Minister of International Development and NICFI, except for funds managed by embassies, Norfund and Norec. Norway’s embassies manage some of the bilateral development co-operation, Norec is responsible for facilitating academic exchanges between Norway and developing countries, and Norfund is Norway’s development finance institution. The Office of the Auditor General undertakes studies and publishes reports on the performance of Norway’s development co-operation efforts, including reports on its aid to the Syrian crisis (2023) and national follow-up to the SDGs (2021).
The MFA has 1 430 Norwegian and 1 150 local staff, for a total of 2 580. Among the Norwegian staff, 586 (41%) work on development; 32% of the total number of staff are based in Norway and 68% are based in country offices and embassies abroad. Norad has 278 staff (including full- and part-time staff), all based in Norway.