GDOC (Sistema de Gestão Documental e Processual) is the internal system of TdC for managing documents and processes that was developed by TdC. It is also the oldest of TdC's IT systems. The user who accesses the system represents a supervised entity and is already pre-registered, with an assigned profile and username.
GDOC cuts across TdC's activity and is integrated with other relevant systems, both GENT and eContas are a part of this system. All of these databases interact with each other and this interaction process is used for risk assessment;
Specifically, after the submission of a reporting map (through eContas Prestação de Contas), internal validation begins at the TdC, in which a report is produced indicating deviations from the validation rules to the information collection structures, which could contribute to the identification of “risks” that each account can hold.
This system is used for the purposes of analysing a priori audits, complaints received, and reports from internal control bodies, consisting of several modules, including:
"A priori control" module, which allows extracting information on the number of contracts, objects, values, type of procedure used, the meaning of the decision, recommendations, follow-up, etc.
Entry, validation, and registration module for opening and reopening visa/approval processes. “Prior control” processes are required to obtain a visa (i.e., permission of the Court), to materialise the contract. A visa could be approved or rejected by TdC according to the characteristics of the contract.
Denunciation process module.
GENT serves as the comprehensive database of entities under the jurisdiction and control of TdC (the universe of public entities that report to TdC).
Data included from this database comes from different sources: data from other information systems managed by the court such as TCJURE (legal information system), GESPRO (process management system), but also unstructured data filled manually by a dedicated team based on unstructured data from regular analysis/profiling of the Official Government Gazette of the Portuguese Republic.
This database is key to provide information on entities when performing different types of audits and enables to identify entities through an identification number common to different sources. This relational database encompasses 99 original tables. According to TdC 53 of them are relevant for a risk-based approach in public procurement.
eContas is the platform used by public entities to submit their public procurement files as an integral part of their Annual Financial and Budgeting Reporting to TdC, but the platform is also used to obtain visas from TdC. One of its objectives is to facilitate the relationship and communication between the Court and supervised entities in the fulfilment of their obligations, providing greater rationalisation and efficiency in communication, particularly in the provision of management accounts. The eContas platform also allows the submission of the contracts for prior audit through econtas “Fiscalização Prévia”.), additional contracts through econtas “Prestação de Contas”) and contracts within the scope of the special measures for public procurement through eContas-MECP for concomitant audit.
The reports submitted through eContas “Prestação de Contas” serve to complement the standard financial data, such as income statements and balance sheets. These reports are standardised into reporting maps, which are then stored in eContas.
This portal is integrated to the wider GDOC platform and aims to facilitate the relationship and communication between the Court and the entities subject to its control, namely in the fulfilment of their obligations, including on public procurement. Access to the eContas platform is exclusively granted to registered users within the IT support system for TdC activities, ensuring a controlled and secure environment.
Entities have to report a wide range of information to the Court, some of which is defined by the Court itself (either from the point of view of the reporting process: scope of the information, content, periodicity, etc., or from the point of view of the structure of the map/files to be reported), but some other information is used from other reports to other entities such as information provided to the Ministry of Finance.
The reporting and provision of information by entities under the jurisdiction and control of the TdC is defined based on the entity's "Accounting Regime" and also (as a sub-grouping within each Regime) by form of Delivery. There are different accounting regimes, which bring together more than 520 information sheets defined by the Court. Approximately 6 500 entities present their annual reports with accounting standards tailored to their characteristics. Figure 1.8 provides an overview of eContas data flow.