English “principal-like” |
30BY30, Amazon conservation, antelope conservation, anti-poaching, biodiversity, bio-diversity, biosphere, Bird Conservation, Cartagena protocol, CBD, CCAMLR, oceans conservation, CITES, coastal protected areas, coastal protection, coastal wetlands protection, combat IUU, combating fish crimes, combating wildlife, combatting IUU, combatting wildlife, Community conservation, Community Marine Park, Community-based conservation, conflict management of elephants, conservation and Sustainable Use of the Threatened Savanna Woodland, conservation area, conservation forests, conservation landscape, conservation of animal genetic resources, Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources, conservation of aquatic ecosystems, Conservation of Endemic Flora, conservation of habitats and species, Conservation of Land Resources, conservation of mangroves, Conservation of Nature, conservation of orangutans, conservation of the Asiatic Cheetah, conservation of wildcats, conservation project, conservation-commerce model , conserve orangutans, Convention on Biological Diversity, Convention on Biological Diversity, coral bleaching, coral reef protection, coral reef rehabilitation, coral reef rescue, critically endangered, destructive fishing, ecological connectivity, ecological conservation, ecological protection, ecological restoration, ecosystem conservation, Ecosystem Landscape Approach, ecosystem rehabilitation, ecosystems protection, elephant conservation, elimination of mercury, endangered flora, Endangered Species, endemic land-birds, Endangered species, fauna corridor, forest and landscape restoration, forest conservation, forest ecosystem, forest friendly livelihood, forest landscape restoration, forest restoration, genetic resources strengthening, gibbon conservation, goal 14, goal 15, grassland conservation, habitat corridor, habitat protection, habitat restoration, hornbill conservation, human wildlife, human-animal, human-elephant coexistence, human-elephant conflict, human-wildlife, illegal deforestation, illegal fish, illegal fishing, illegal hunting, illegal trafficking of wildlife, illegal wildlife, IUCN, IUU fishing, IWT, jaguar, Kimberley Process Certification Scheme, lake conservation, Land Degradation Neutrality, landscape conservation, landscape restoration, leopard, mangrove, Marine Conservation, Marine park, Minamata Convention, MPA , Nagoya Protocol, national park, native forest, natural forest, natural habitat, natural heritage, natural resource conservation, nature conservation, nature conservation, nature protection, nature reserve, NBSAPs, payment for environmental services, payments for ecosystem services, peatland restoration, pet trade, plant conservation, poaching, pollinator, preservation of the environment, preventing forest loss, protected area, protection of its natural resources, Ramsar, recovery of natural capital, reef restoration, resource conservation, restoration of coral, restoring forest, rhino, sdg 14, sdg 15, sdg14, sdg15, sea turtle, Secure Wetland Ecosystems, Shorebird Conservation, soil conservation, Solutions based on nature, species conservation, Strengthening natural reserve, sustainably manage natural resources and ecosystems, The Nature Conservancy (TNC), tiger, trafficking of wildlife, unreported and unregulated fishing, Watershed Conservation, watershed rehabilitation, wetland protected, wetland protection, wetland resilience, Wetlands International, wilderness, wildlife, WWF |
English “significant-like” |
adequate management of irrigation water, agri-environmental, agrobiology, agroecology, anti-poaching, bioeconomy, blue action fund, blue spaces, bushmeat, Caribbean Biodiversity Fund, conservation agriculture, conservation and use of plant, CZM, decreasing erosion, deforestation, degradation of forests, degraded ecosystems, degraded forest, degraded landscape, dryland sustainable, Earth Observation, EbA, ecological footprint, ecological integrity, ecosystem approach, ecosystem functions and services, ecosystem services, ecosystem values, ecosystem-based, Ecotourism, ecotourism, EMEC, enhancement of natural, environment improvement, environment protection, environment rehabilitation, environmental conservation, environmental crime, environmental degradation, environmental pollution, environmental protection, environmentally sensitive areas, environmentally sustainable, farmland sustainable utilisation, fisheries intelligence, forest fragmentation, forest resource development, fragile lands, freshwater ecosystems, GEF, global biodiversity framework, Global Environment Facility, green space, green wall, healthy forest, hunting practices, hunting the hunters, illegal charcoal, illegal crop, integrated coastal management, integrated coastal zone management, integrated ecosystem, integrated forest, integrated land water, integrated river basin management, land and ecosystem management, land degradation, land protect, land restoration, land use and restoration, management of forests, management of landscapes, management of peat-swamp, marine ecosystem, marine environment, mercury, natural resource management, nature based tourism, nature-based solutions, nature-based tourism, organic agriculture, organic cereal, organic certification, organic coffee, organic farm, organic farming, ozone depletion, REDD, reducing vulnerability of natural resource, reduction of soil erosion, reforestation, resilience of fisheries, resilience of wetlands, resilient agroforestry, resilient fisheries, resilient landscape, responsible fishing, seas sustainable management, SLM, smart agriculture, sustainability of mangrove, sustainable agriculture, sustainable and socially acceptable fish, sustainable aqua, sustainable bio-energy, sustainable biomass, sustainable coastal, sustainable cropland, sustainable development of natural resources, sustainable dryland, sustainable environment, sustainable fish, sustainable forest, sustainable fuelwood management, sustainable game management, sustainable harvest, sustainable land, sustainable landscape, sustainable livestock, sustainable management of bycatch, sustainable management of fisheries, sustainable management of lakes, sustainable management of natural resources, sustainable management of peatland, sustainable management of tuna, sustainable management of wildlife, sustainable mangrove management, sustainable marine, sustainable natural, sustainable supply chains for marine commodities, sustainable timber, sustainable use of medicinal plants, sustainable use of natural resource, sustainable use of peatland, sustainable use of PGRFA, sustainable utilisation of plant genetic resources, sustainable watershed, sustainable wildlife management, sustainably managing the natural, United Nations Development Programme’s Biodiversity Finance, vulnerable ecosystems, water conservation, water resources conservation, watershed conservation, watershed management, wetland ecosystem, wildfire management, |
Spanish “significant-like” |
Agricultura de conservación, agricultura orgánica, agroambiental, agroecología, agrosilvicultura resiliente, animales confiscados, bioandes, bioeconomía, bosque degradado, bosque integrado, bosque saludable, bosque sostenible, café orgánico, capital natural, carbono azul, carne de animales silvestres, cereal orgánico, certificación orgánica, conservación de cuencas hidrográficas, conservación de recursos, conservación del agua, Convención de las Naciones Unidas para Combatir la Desertificación, cosecha sostenible, deforestación, degradación ambiental, degradación de la tierra, degradación de los bosques, delitos ambientales, desarrollo de ecosistemas integrados de montañas, diversidad biológica, diversidad genética, economía azul, ecosistema de humedales, ecosistema marino, ecosistemas de agua dulce, ecosistemas de bosques de montaña, ecosistemas degradados, ecosistemas vulnerables, enfoque basado en ecosistemas, enfoque ecosistémico, evaluaciones de impacto ambiental, fondo de acción azul, fondo de biodiversidad del caribe, Fondo para el Medio Ambiente Mundial, funciones y servicios ecosistémicos, gestión ambiental sostenible, gestión integral de tierras, gestión sostenible de la tierra, gestión sostenible de la vida silvestre, gestión sostenible de las turberas, horticultura sostenible, huella ecológica, intercambio de información y datos oceanográficos, inundaciones costeras, madera sostenible, manejo costero integrado, manejo de incendios forestales, medio ambiente sostenible, mejorar la tierra, natural sostenible, no maderable, pago por servicios de cuencas, paisaje sostenible, pérdida de biodiversidad, pérdida de hábitat, plantas medicinales, prácticas de gestión de recursos naturales, reducción del riesgo de desastres, restauración de hábitat cosecha, servicios ecosistémicos, silvicultura sostenible, silvicultura y conservación, solución basada en la naturaleza, tierra sostenible, tierra y conservación del agua, tierras frágiles tigre, uso y restauración de la tierra |