Table X1.1. Typical graduation ages, by level of education (2022)
The range of typical ages is the range encompassing at least 50% of the share of graduation rates.
1. Year of reference differs from 2022: 2021 for Argentina and South Africa; 2018 for Indonesia.
Table X1.2. Typical age of entry, by level of tertiary education (2022)
The range of typical ages is the range encompassing at least 50% of the share of entry rates.
Table X1.3. School year and financial year used for the calculation of indicators, OECD countries
No note.
Table X1.4. School year and financial year used for the calculation of indicators, partner countries and accession countries
No note.
Table X1.5. Theoretical starting age and duration of education levels (2022)
The theoretical ages refer to the age of the students at the beginning of the school year except for the ending age of compulsory education which corresponds to the age at which compulsory schooling ends. For example, an ending age of 18 indicates that all students under 18 are legally obliged to participate in education. Since the theoretical ages indicated refer to the beginning of the school year, students may be older than the theoretical ending age at the end of the academic year.
1. Theoretical starting and ending ages for early childhood development refer to the Flemish Community only.
2. The length of study at the secondary level differs in Quebec, with the final grade of secondary schools in the province being Grade 11. For the remaining provinces and territories, the final grade of secondary schools is Grade 12.
3. In Berlin and Brandenburg, primary education lasts for 6 years. In addition, the duration of lower secondary education varies between 4 and 6 years depending on the qualification aspired and Federal Land. Most programmes leading to the first school leaving certificate last 9 school years, while programmes leading to the intermediate school leaving certificate last 10 school years. There are also differences in the length of schooling up to the Abitur (12 or 13 school years). The starting age for upper secondary education also varies and can be 15. In Berlin, upper secondary education at the gymnasium lasts 2 years.
4. The theoretical duration may vary from 3 to 4.5 years for upper secondary vocational programmes.
See Definitions and Methodology sections and Education at a Glance 2024 Sources Methodologies and Technical Notes ( for more information.
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