Gross Domestic Product – GDP (USD billion in PPP): OECD National Accounts Statistics (database), Gross domestic product, USD, current prices, current PPPs. World Bank, World Development Indicators (WDI database) for Emerging Economies not available in the OECD database.
Population (million): OECD National Accounts Statistics (database), Population and employment by main activity. Calculation based on Eurostat database for the European Union. United Nations, World Population Prospects: 2023, Population, for Emerging Economies not available in the OECD database.
Land area (thousands km2): FAOSTAT Land Use (database), Land area (1 000 ha) recalculated to thousands km2. Land area excludes water areas.
Agricultural area (AA) (thousand ha): FAOSTAT Land Use (database), Agricultural area (1 000 ha).
Population density (inhabitants/km2): OECD Regional and Cities (database), Regional demography, Population density and regional area. United Nations, World Population Prospects 2023, Population density, for economies not available in OECD database. Calculation based on the Eurostat population and area databases for the European Union.
GDP per capita (USD in PPP): OECD National Accounts Statistics (database), Gross domestic product (expenditure approach), per head, USD, current prices, current PPPs. World Bank, World Development Indicators (WDI database) for Emerging Economies not available in OECD database.
Trade as % of GDP: Calculation based on UN COMTRADE (database) for trade data, customs data, and GDP (local currency) indicator. Average trade calculated as (exports+imports)/2. The European Union aggregate does not account for intra-EU trade.
Agriculture share in GDP (%): OECD National Accounts Statistics (database), “National Accounts at a Glance”, Gross value added, Agriculture, forestry and fishing, percentage of total activity. Eurostat database for the European Union. World Bank, World Development Indicators (WDI database) for Emerging Economies not available in OECD database.
Agriculture share in employment (%): Calculation based on OECD Labour Force Statistics (database), Employment by activities and status (ALFS), as a share of employment in agriculture, hunting, forestry and fishing in all activities (ISIC rev.3, A-B and A-X; ISIC rev.4, A and A-U). Calculation based on Eurostat, share of employed persons, aged 15 years and over, in agriculture, hunting, forestry and fishing in total NACE activities (Statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community), for the EU Member States. World Bank, World Development Indicators (WDI database), Employment in agriculture, hunting, forestry and fishing as a share of total employment; Data from the International Labour Organization, Employment in agriculture, hunting, forestry and fishing as a share of total employment (based on ILO modelled estimates) and national data for Emerging Economies not available in OECD or in other international database. The ILO modelled estimates series provides both nationally reported labour statistics observations and imputed data produced through a series of econometric models for countries with missing data. Estimates for countries with limited labour market information have a high degree of uncertainty and are being regularly updated and revised by the ILO especially when a better source in terms of accuracy and international comparability has become available.
Agro-food exports in total exports (%): Calculation based on UN COMTRADE (database). Agro-food definition does not include fish and fish products. Agro-food codes in H0: 01, 02, 04 to 24 (excluding 1504, 1603, 1604 and 1605), 3301, 3501 to 3505, 4101 to 4103, 4301, 5001 to 5003, 5101 to 5103, 5201 to 5203, 5301, 5302, 290543/44, 380910, 382360.
Agro-food imports in total imports (%): Calculation based on UN COMTRADE (database). Agro-food definition does not include fish and fish products.
Crop in total agricultural production (%): National data, share of value of total crop production (including horticulture) in total agricultural production.
Livestock in total agricultural production (%): National data, share of value of total livestock production in total agricultural production.
Share of arable land in AA (%): Calculation based on FAOSTAT Land Use (database), arable land as a share of agricultural area.