Belgium addresses the leave no one behind pledge of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development through two strands: a focus on reaching out to those countries farthest behind and a focus on reaching out to those populations that are in a disadvantaged, vulnerable or marginalised situation.
In order to reach those left behind, Belgian development co-operation has a political priority to support least developed countries (LDCs): 12 out of its 14 partner countries are LDCs. It strives to allocate 50% of its official development assistance to the LDCs and fragile states.
Promoting human rights is a core theme of Belgium’s development co-operation. Belgium’s rights-based approach focuses on empowerment and human rights. It mainstreams the rights-based approach in all its interventions by focusing on specific individual rights of groups such as women and children; sexual and reproductive rights; and the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people. When taking decisions about the choice and the funding of partner governments, Belgium states that it pays particular attention to democratic legitimacy and good governance. It also strives to promote sustainable and inclusive economic development and strategic engagement with the private sector and civil society to achieve its objectives.