Canada’s Feminist International Assistance Policy for development co-operation makes an explicit commitment to leaving no one behind which advocates for poverty eradication and a peaceful, inclusive and prosperous world.
Canada addresses leaving no one behind through a feminist approach which aims at protecting and promoting human rights for all, especially for the most vulnerable and marginalised groups, and at increasing the participation of these groups in decision making. Through this human rights-based and inclusive approach and its commitment to achieving SDG 5 for gender equality and empowering women and girls, Canada believes it will also drive progress towards the other Sustainable Development Goals given their interdependence. Canada applies its commitment to leaving no one behind in other policies that have a potential impact on developing countries, e.g. trade, climate and migration policies.
Canada is mainstreaming leaving no one behind in its development programming and project cycle. It conducts broad country contextual analysis for programme and project planning and selection. It uses specific analytical tools such as the Multidimensional Poverty Index as a data and evidence base for identifying and targeting needs.