Leaving no one behind is a guiding priority for Norwegian development co-operation, which has a long-standing focus on poverty eradication and people most in need. Norway is currently asking “how” it can step up a gear on what it has always been doing in the framework of the 2030 Agenda. It sees leaving no one behind bringing a welcome re-focus on reaching the poorest and most marginalised people, on the need to understand local contexts to implement the Sustainable Development Goals and to find effective ways for official development assistance (ODA) to align behind country priorities and processes. It also sees room for a better understanding of the role of global public goods in realising leaving no one behind.
For Norway, while the relative importance of ODA has declined as a source finance and trigger for inclusive national development, it can play an important role as a mediator and facilitator of change in favour of the groups and people who are left behind.
Norway addresses leave no one behind in key sectors like education, health, business development, the environment and humanitarian aid, which have the potential to reach the most in need. Its parliament decided recently to focus more on sub-Saharan Africa and humanitarian needs. Having access to reliable and disaggregated data is a major political and technical challenge. Norway provides statistical capacity building in some partner countries along with international partners.