Legal basis for spontaneous exchange of information (ToR II.B.1, II.B.2)
428. The Faroe Islands has the necessary domestic legal basis to exchange information spontaneously. The Faroe Islands notes that there are no legal or practical impediments that prevent the spontaneous exchange of information on rulings as contemplated in the Action 5 minimum standard.
429. The Faroe Islands has international agreements permitting spontaneous exchange of information, including being a participating jurisdiction in (i) the Multilateral Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters: Amended by the 2010 Protocol (OECD/Council of Europe, 2011[2]) (“the Convention”), (ii) the Nordic Convention on Assistance in Tax Matters and (iii) bilateral agreements in force with four jurisdictions.2
Completion and exchange of templates (ToR II.B.3, II.B.4, II.B.5, II.B.6, II.B.7)
430. In the prior years’ peer review reports, it was determined that the Faroe Islands is still developing a process to complete the templates on relevant rulings, to make them available to the Competent Authority for exchange of information, and to exchange them with relevant jurisdictions. Therefore, the Faroe Islands was recommended to develop a process to complete the templates for all relevant rulings and to ensure that the exchanges of information on rulings occur in accordance with the form and timelines under the transparency framework going forward.
431. During the year in review, the Faroe Islands took steps to implement a process on the completion and exchange of templates. TAKS requires the department issuing the ruling to complete the Annex C template. Department managers are responsible that the template is filled out correctly, and that the summary section of the Annex C template is in line with the internal FHTP suggested guidance. The Competent Authority is responsible for the exchanges. The Faroe Islands does not yet have put timelines in place for the exchange of the information on rulings in line with the Action 5 transparency framework.
432. As no exchanges took place in the year of review, no data on the timeliness of exchanges can be reported.
Conclusion on section B
433. The Faroe Islands is recommended to put in place a process to ensure that the exchanges of information on rulings occur in accordance with the form and timelines under the transparency framework going forward (ToR II.B.6).