Legal basis for spontaneous exchange of information (ToR II.B.1, II.B.2)
24. Andorra has the necessary domestic legal basis to exchange information spontaneously. Andorra notes that there are no legal or practical impediments that prevent the spontaneous exchange of information on rulings as contemplated in the Action 5 minimum standard.
25. Andorra has international agreements permitting spontaneous exchange of information, including: (i) the Multilateral Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters: Amended by the 2010 Protocol (OECD/Council of Europe, 2011[2]) (“the Convention”) and (ii) bilateral agreements in force with 28 jurisdictions.2
Completion and exchange of templates (ToR II.B.3, II.B.4, II.B.5, II.B.6, II.B.7)
26. In the prior years’ peer review reports, it was determined that Andorra’s process for the completion and exchange of templates met all the ToR, except for undertaking spontaneous exchange of information on tax rulings within the scope of the transparency framework (ToR II.B). Therefore, Andorra was recommended to complete the templates for all relevant rulings and to ensure that the exchanges of information on rulings occur as soon as possible.
27. In the prior years’ peer review reports, it was determined that Andorra’s previously issued rulings related to preferential regimes were related to wholly domestic taxpayers without any related parties in a foreign jurisdiction, and therefore, no exchange of information needed to take place. However, in the event that a relevant ruling is issued in future, Andorra will need to have the processes in place to complete the templates and conduct the exchanges in accordance with the transparency framework.
28. In the prior years’ peer review reports, it was noted that Andorra intends to require taxpayers to provide all relevant information needed to complete the template contained in Annex C of the Action 5 Report (OECD, 2015[3]). Andorra is in the process of including such an obligation in future tax reforms. Andorra notes that modifications to the tax law have been approved by the Andorran parliament in 2023 and will enter into force in 2024.
29. As these issues have not yet been resolved and the modification to the tax law has not been approved in the year of review, the recommendation remains in place. In particular, Andorra is recommended to ensure that the information on future rulings is completed in the form of the template contained in Annex C of the Action 5 Report (OECD, 2015[3]) (ToR II.B.4), to put in place appropriate systems to ensure that information on rulings is transmitted to the competent authority responsible for international exchange of information without undue delay (ToR II.B.5) and to ensure that the information to be exchanged is transmitted to the relevant jurisdictions in accordance with the agreed timelines (ToR II.B.6).
30. As there were no exchanges for the year in review, no data on the timeliness of exchanges can be reported.
Conclusion on section B
31. Andorra has met all of the ToR for the exchange of information process except for ensuring that the information is completed in the required form (II.B.4) and having a process in place to ensure any exchanges will be performed in accordance with the timelines (ToR II.B.5 and II.B.6). Andorra is recommended to continue its efforts to put in place the necessary process to complete the information in the form of Annex C of the Action 5 Report (OECD, 2015[3]), to ensure that information is submitted to the Competent Authority without undue delay and exchanges are performed in accordance with the timelines.