This book was authored by Stéphan Vincent-Lancrin, Senior Analyst, Joaquín Urgel, Consultant, Soumyajit Kar, Consultant, and Gwénaël Jacotin, Statistician, with the help of Anastasia Andreeva during her internship at the OECD. The project was led and conceptualised by Stéphan Vincent-Lancrin, and carried out as part of the work on Innovation in Education of the OECD Centre for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI) within the Directorate for Education and Skills.
Other OECD colleagues made valuable contributions to the project and the book: Carlos González-Sancho gave feedback throughout the process, from the inception to the final steps of the book; Judit Pál made a significant input to the design of the graphs; Federico De Luca gave useful feedback on the methodology. Other colleagues also contributed on various aspects of the project. Madeleine Gereke provided invaluable project assistance, Mathias Bouckaert and Quentin Vidal made helpful comments on the drafts, and Rachel Linden coordinated the publication process. Cassandra Davis and Anne-Lise Prigent supervised the publication and communication processes. Florence Guérinot gave useful advice regarding the production of the book. Finally, John Leo Tarver (Atriptyc Communications) prepared the infographics for the country notes.
Members of the CERI Governing Board are thankfully acknowledged for their input to the work, notably Gábor Hálasz, who gave detailed comments and advice on the concept of the report and its methodology, and Robert Rakocevic, who made helpful comments on the final version of the report. Fernando Galindo-Rueda, from the OECD Directorate for Science, Technology and Innovation, also made very insightful comments on the report and its methodology. Yves Punie and Riina Vuorikari, Joint Research Centre in Seville of the European Commission, contributed to the exploratory process of the project and notably the identification of possible data sources. Also, as the book builds on previous work, many other colleagues, at the OECD and outside, contributed to this edition through their work and comments on the 2014 edition: they cannot all be named, but know who they are.
The book would never have been possible without the co-funding and active support of the European Union. Geir Ottestad and Jan Pakulski, Policy Officer and Head of Unit at the Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture of the European Commission, respectively, are gratefully acknowledged for the confidence they placed in the project: without their commitment to the development of new indicators that can support countries’ policies and their willingness to support and take innovation in education seriously, this project would not have seen the light.
Last but not least, the project benefited from the advice of Deborah Roseveare, Head of the Innovation and Measuring Progress division within the OECD Directorate for Education and Skills, Dirk Van Damme, former Head of the IMEP division, and Andreas Schleicher, Director for Education and Skills and Special Advisor on Education Policy to the Secretary General. Their enthusiastic support has made a big difference to the success of the project.