This publication is the result of a collaborative effort, and it would not have been possible without the contribution and support of a number of individuals. The editor would like to express her gratitude to all external authors for contributing to this publication and sharing their expertise in a joint webinar with practitioners, policy makers and researchers (in alphabetic order): Christian Brühwiler; North Cooc; Aron Fink; Andreas Frey; Lena Hollenstein; Grace MyHyun Kim; Maria Teresa Tatto; Sara Willermark. The chapters were commissioned by the OECD as part of the Innovative Teaching for Effective Learning (ITEL) project.
The editor would also like to express her gratitude to the CERI and TALIS Governing Boards, which guided the development of the TKS and its integration into the Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS). A special thank you to those who participated in a discussion of the topics covered in this publication during the 2020 meeting “Teaching as a knowledge profession – A joint perspective of research, practice and policy”.
Thank you to Tracey Burns, Pablo Fraser and Noémie Le Donné for reviewing an earlier version of the publication and providing valuable comments. Comments were also received from Andreas Schleicher and Dirk van Damme, which helped further strengthen the publication. In addition, the editor would like to thank Nóra Révai for sharing her knowledge obtained as an analyst in the ITEL project who was involved in the development of the Teacher Knowledge Survey (TKS) since its inception. Thank you also to the European Commission for supporting the work financially. In addition, the editor wishes to give a special mention to Matthew Gill and Leonora Lynch-Stein for their support with editing and formatting the manuscript.
Maria Teresa Tatto would like to commend Hannah Ulferts for organising this timely publication which will be useful in improving the relevance and quality of the TALIS Teacher Knowledge Survey (TKS) assessment module. In particular, she would like to thank Hannah Ulferts and Matthew Gill for their helpful comments on Chapter 5.
Sara Willermark would like to thank Maria Abrahamsson, Malin Frykman, Lena Pareto and Hannah Ulferts who, based on their expertise, have contributed to valuable discussions and insights in the process of completing Chapter 2.
Hannah Ulferts