Switzerland committed to leaving no one behind in the 2030 Agenda and plans to refer to it in the next parliamentary Dispatch on development co-operation (in 2021). The Swiss Agency for Development Co-operation (SDC) has a long-standing focus on multidimensional poverty, tackling root causes of exclusion and discrimination. In addition to its humanitarian aid, the SDC states that it meets its target to allocate 50% of its bilateral budget to fragile and conflict-affected countries, which it considers as the countries left behind.
The SDC considers that all individuals or groups excluded from sustainable development and lacking minimum standards of living are left behind. It is developing a working tool to address leaving no one behind which builds on the human rights-based approach it has mainstreamed. The tool identifies two pathways: 1) working towards an inclusive society where all groups benefit from minimum standards of living and mainstreaming “leave no one behind” through targeted actions on barriers to inclusion; and 2) prioritising groups in specific contexts and designing targeted programmes to enhance resilience and inclusion. It is also developing factsheets on what leave no one behind means in specific sectors and will integrate this approach in its results-based management tools.
For the SDC, the risk of weak political buy-in to reach the furthest behind is a challenge in some contexts. Lack of disaggregated data is also a challenge.