GDP is set to contract by 4.3% in 2020, before growing by 2.4% in 2021 and 4.0% in 2022. Activity rose rapidly in the third quarter of 2020 after containment measures had been withdrawn. However, the recovery has been interrupted by the recent tightening of containment measures in response to a renewed virus outbreak, and is projected to resume at a slow rate when the restraints are relaxed. Private consumption will strengthen as household confidence and net disposable incomes increase. Investment will also gradually regain momentum. The labour market has been quite resilient. However, unemployment will remain elevated in 2021 due to a slow recovery in labour-intensive sectors.
Fiscal policy helped to prevent a more severe downturn, and will continue to support the recovery. The strong fiscal position leaves room for the government to provide further help to households and businesses, if needed. To facilitate the reallocation of workers and capital, training programmes should be enhanced and insolvency procedures should be made more effective.