21. The “100% social link” commitment of Agence Française de Développement
22. Due diligence for the inclusion of indigenous peoples
23. Spurring UNDP action on disability-inclusive development
24. The OECD Inclusive Growth Framework
25. Responsible business conduct: Leaving no one behind in global supply chains
26. Promoting sustainable, resilient and inclusive cities in Myanmar
27. A programme-based approach for maternal and child health at the district level in Malawi
28. A scholarship programme for vulnerable religious minorities in fragile contexts
29. Building a movement to end child marriage
30. Reinventing donor co-ordination to beat neglected tropical diseases
31. A European partnership to mitigate the impact of forced displacement in the Middle East
32. South-South co-operation to leave no one behind: What it will take?
34. The 2018 Global Disability Summit - towards a step-change in disability inclusion
35. Cities that Work: Building partnerships to improve urban policy making in developing countries
38. Analysis to understand the multidimensional nature of poverty at Sida
40. Leaving no one behind in Cambodia: The IDPoor poverty identification mechanism
41. The Individual Deprivation Measure
42. Expanding access to family planning services to the poorest women and girls
43. Formulating a relevant and measurable concept of social cohesion for South Africa