The aim of this chapter is to show a set of key indicators to compare performance across countries and territories in each of the following dimensions:
Health status
Risk factors for health
Quality of care
Health care resources
For each dimension, a set of indicators is presented in the form of country and territories dashboards. The indicators are selected based on their policy relevance, but also on data availability and interpretability. Indicators where the availability of recent data for Asia-Pacific countries and territories is highest are therefore prioritised.
In order to assess the comparative performance across countries and territory, each country/territory is classified for every indicator based on how it compares against the median of the income group it categorised into. Therefore, countries and territories significantly - defined as one median absolute deviation - above/below their respective group median will be classified as better/worse than median (▲/▼), with the remaining countries and territories classified as close to the median (⦿).