The transport sector has moved through one global crisis and into another since the publication of the previous edition of the ITF Transport Outlook. Since the Covid-19 pandemic, the war in Ukraine has brought untold destruction and human suffering. The conflict has also precipitated an energy crisis and widespread supply-chain disruptions.
In this challenging environment, global transport systems have proved remarkably resilient. That said, transport’s near-complete dependency on fossil fuels has made it particularly vulnerable to rising energy prices. Overcoming this dependency needs to be at the forefront of policy makers’ thinking to further strengthen transport’s resilience and curb the sector’s harmful carbon dioxide emissions.
The good news is that the transition to clean transport makes economic sense. Investing in sustainable modes and improved efficiency will reduce emissions without hindering travel or the movement of goods. There are wider benefits as well. Done the right way, green, clean and more resilient transport will offer more affordable, safer and accessible services to all citizens.
This report sets out policy actions for creating such a sustainable transport future for all based on projections for future transport activity and its impact, using some of the most sophisticated modelling tools available today. My wish is that the findings of the ITF Transport Outlook 2023 may help leaders around the world take the right decisions, for the benefit of our planet and its people.
Young Tae Kim
Secretary-General International Transport Forum