This report was prepared by Andrew Green and Stijn Broecke from the Skills and Employability Division of the Directorate for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs at the OECD, under the supervision of Mark Keese (Head of the Skills and Employability Division). Stefano Scarpetta, Mark Keese, Müge Adalet McGowan, Alexander Hijzen, Andrea Salvatori and Andrea Garnero provided helpful comments. Special thanks are given to Ann Coenen and Tom Bevers from the Belgian Federal Ministry for Employment, Labour and Social Dialogue for their assistance throughout the project, as well as to the Ministry of Economy for facilitating access to the microdata of the Belgian Labour Force Survey (and Anja Termote in particular, for assistance with the data). Statistical assistance was provided by Sapphire Han and Dana Blumin and editorial assistance by Liv Gudmundson and Lucy Hulett. Financial support from the Belgian Ministry for Employment, Labour and Social Dialogue is gratefully acknowledged.