Labour market training (arbejdsmarkedsuddannelser, Denmark)
Agricultural training centre (agrarisch opleidingscentrum, the Netherlands)
Australian Skills Quality Authority
European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System
Tertiary vocational education (hoger beroepsonderwijs, the Netherlands)
Higher vocational education
International Standard Classification of Education
Level 2: Lower-secondary education
Level 3: Upper-secondary education
Level 4: Post-secondary non-tertiary education
Level 5: Short-cycle tertiary education
Level 6: Bachelor’s or equivalent
Information technology
Upper secondary vocational education (middelbaar beroepsonderwijs, the Netherlands)
Non-subsidised institution (niet-bekostigde instelling, the Netherlands)
Regional Training Centre (regionaal opleidingscentrum, the Netherlands)
Registered Training Organisation (Australia)
Technical and Further Education (Australia)
Vocational Education and Training
VET Student Loan (Australia)