The list of indicators selected in the comprehensive process during the Setting up of the Czech HSPA Framework project shall serve as an input for the next HSPA implementation phase. Further discussions among HSPA stakeholders, mainly the data custodians and suggested indicator custodians, are foreseen and deemed appropriate to develop detailed technical sheets for each individual indicator (for technical sheet properties see Box 4.1).
In this annex, indicators are provided by each of the 12 domains. In each section, tables detail out indicators selected to populate the first the Czech HSPA and provide information on the availability of data for various perspectives of disaggregation, availability of benchmarks, the primary data source, data custodian, and proposed indicator custodian.
In many cases, the data and indicator custodian are the same for a given indicator. Where it differs, it means a data custodian is responsible for data collection and data processing, as well as for providing the overall calculation of indicator based on the primary data set. The indicator custodian is then responsible for reporting the indicator in the HSPA report while commenting on its wider context, trend development and/or international comparison, and explaining its potential causes and/or consequences on population health or the health system. Typically, the split of the functions concerns survey data indicators, where one institution runs the survey, but the area of interest of the indicator falls within the scope of another institution’s responsibilities.
Indicators have been assigned to indicator custodians based on discussions held during the working group meetings and based on written comments received from various HSPA stakeholders. The assignment was then reviewed during individual consultations held with future HSPA indicator custodians. However, the final distribution of indicators to custodians is open for further discussion during the HSPA implementation phase.