This report was prepared by Rob Dellink and Elena Buzzi (OECD Environment Directorate), under the overall supervision and guidance of Shardul Agrawala, Head of Division of the Environment and Economy Integration Division in the Environment Directorate of the OECD. Peter Börkey (OECD Environment Directorate) provided expert input and feedback throughout the preparation of the report. Ruben Bibas (OECD Environment Directorate) contributed to the development and refinement of the modelling framework and provided useful comments on earlier drafts. Bum Cheul Park (previously, OECD Environment Directorate) co-authored Chapter 2 and contributed to other parts of the report. Emma DeRoy, Kate Hassett, Yuko Ishibashi, Kumi Kitamori, Elisa Lanzi and Toon Vandyck (all OECD Environment Directorate) provided valuable feedback on earlier drafts. Laurent Lebreton (The Ocean Cleanup) contributed with the modelling of plastic leakage to aquatic environments.
Illias Mousse Iye (OECD Environment Directorate) provided administrative support. Emma DeRoy, Sarbjit Gill, Sebastián Higuera and Bum Cheul Park (OECD Environment Directorate) provided valuable contributions to preparing all graphs. Elizabeth Del Bourgo and Emma DeRoy (OECD Environment Directorate), as well as Catherine Bremer (OECD Directorate for Communications) provided assistance with communications and outreach aspects of the report. The report was prepared for publication by Meral Gedik (independent consultant).
The authors are thankful to delegates of the Working Party on Resource Productivity and Waste and the Working Party on Integrating Environmental and Economic Policies, who reviewed earlier drafts. Financial contributions by the United Kingdom and the European Commission are gratefully acknowledged.