The SME Policy Index: Eastern Partner Countries 2024 – Building resilience in challenging times is the result of work conducted by the OECD and five Eastern Partner (EaP) countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Republic of Moldova, and Ukraine), in co-operation with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), with the support of the European Training Foundation (ETF) and the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) as knowledge partners, and with the financial assistance of the European Union.
The report was written under the guidance of Andreas Schaal, Director of OECD Global Relations and Co-operation, and William Tompson, Head of the OECD Eurasia Division.
The project was managed by Daniel Quadbeck, Head of the Eastern Europe and South Caucasus Unit, and co-ordinated by Carlotta Moiso, Salomé Will, and Francesco Alfonso (OECD Eurasia Division). Extensive support in finalising the report for publication was provided by Sophia Anders, Manon Pituello, and Pierre de Trémiolles (OECD Eurasia Division). It further profited from inputs by Marzena Kisielewska, Head of the OECD South East Europe Division, as lead reviewer of the publication, and Jovana Pavlovic Djukic, Marijana Petrovic and Umur Gökçe (OECD South East Europe Division).
Svenja Petersen, Senior Economist (EBRD), led the analysis and authored the sections of the report related to Access to Finance, while Andrii Bilovusiak and Olivia Arslanian (EBRD) provided valuable research assistance.
The work of the partner institutions was overseen by Kristien Van den Eynde and Pirita Vuorinen (ETF) and Anders Jönsson and Jakob Fexer (UNECE). This report was made possible thanks to the contributions of the National Small Business Act (SBA) co-ordinators, who supported the data-gathering and verification process. The authors extend their gratitude to all government officials and other stakeholders who have been actively involved across the EaP region, and whose support and dedication have made the development of this publication possible. In the EaP countries, the following SBA co-ordinators led their countries’ participation in all stages of the project: Lilit Hakobyan (Armenia), Nijat Eyvazzada, Tural Valiyev, Elmar Isayev (Azerbaijan), Tsisnami Sabadze (Georgia), Silviu Neghină and Veronica Bulba (Moldova), Oleksandr Vasylchuk and Andrii Remizov (Ukraine).
Principal authors of the report are: