Given rising investment needs and declining public investment spending, European Union (EU) funding mechanisms represent an important tool to ensure investment spending among EU Member States. In the current 2014-2020 programming period, EUR 461 billion was allocated to the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF). National co-financing brings the total to EUR 647 billion available for ESIF investment in the European Union. Given the breadth and importance of ESIF, making the most of the opportunities it offers rests on ensuring quality institutions and administrative capacities as well as effective governance and management mechanisms.
Administrative capacities matter for the effectiveness and impact of ESIF. In particular, quality governance practices, institutions and institutional practices can positively affect the returns to Cohesion Policy investment, regional competitiveness and economic growth. Thus, it is essential to invest in governance, to build adequate capabilities to manage EU funds among all levels of government, and to design strong investment strategies. These concepts are key tenets of the OECD Recommendation of Effective Public Investment across Levels of Government. Ahead of the 2021-2027 programming period, the European Commission launched a pilot project to support ESIF Managing Authorities (MAs) in the development of Roadmaps aimed at strengthening their administrative capacities to effectively oversee, administer and evaluate the use of ESIF. Five MAs were selected by DG REGIO to participate in this project – three at the national level and two at the regional level. The findings in this report draw from the project undertaken with these five MAs. From this selected group, MAs throughout the ESIF management system may recognise similar challenges, and the lessons are broadly applicable not only to EU Member State Managing Authorities, but to public sector institutions charged with designing and implementing investment strategies and seeking to strengthen their capacities to do so.