Economic growth will slow sharply to 1.1% in 2022 and 0.6% in 2023 owing to the waning of the COVID‑19 rebound and to the war in Ukraine. Private consumption will be depressed by falling real household incomes but should slowly recover from late 2023 as they begin to rise again. Headline inflation will fall slowly from a peak of 7% in late 2022. After dropping sharply this year, exports should accelerate next year as exporters find new markets and world trade picks up. The main downside risk is that a wage-price spiral develops, increasing inflation and reducing competitiveness and growth.
Reforms to reduce transport emissions would help Finland to meet its abatement targets and increase energy security. Reducing the structural budget deficit to the 0.5% of GDP Medium-Term Objective would alleviate inflationary pressures and make public finances more sustainable. A comprehensive expenditure review should be undertaken to identify savings and tax loopholes should be closed. Reforms underway and planned to increase employment and reduce skills shortages will help but need to be taken further.