As was done in 2015 and 2018, computer-based tests were used in most countries and economies in PISA 2022, with assessments lasting a total of two hours for each student. In mathematics and reading, a multi‑stage adaptive approach was applied in computer-based tests whereby students were assigned a block of test items based on their performance in preceding blocks.
Test items were a mixture of multiple-choice questions and questions requiring students to construct their own responses. The items were organised in groups based on a passage setting out a real-life situation. More than 15 hours of test items for reading, mathematics, science and creative thinking were covered, with different students taking different combinations of test items.
There were six different kinds of test forms representing various combinations of two of the four domains (i.e. the three core domains, plus the innovative domain). Typically, within each country/economy, 94% of students received test forms covering 60 minutes of mathematics as the major domain, and another 60 minutes of one of the three minor or innovative domains (reading, science or creative thinking). In addition, 6% of students received test forms composed of two minor domains. Each test form was completed by enough students to allow for estimations of proficiency and psychometric analyses of all items by students in each country/economy and in relevant subgroups within a country/economy, such as boys and girls, or students from different social and economic backgrounds.
In addition, PISA 2022 retained a paper-based version of the assessment that included only trend items that had been used in prior paper-based assessments. This paper-based assessment was implemented in four countries: Cambodia, Guatemala, Paraguay and Viet Nam.
The assessment of financial literacy was offered again in PISA 2022 as an optional computer-based test. It was based on the PISA 2022 updated analytical and assessment framework. The cognitive instruments included trend items and a set of new interactive items that were developed specifically for PISA 2022.