The objective of the Starting Strong Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS Starting Strong) 2018 was to obtain a representative sample in each participating country of staff and leaders providing early childhood education and care (ECEC) for each level of ECEC (settings for children under age 3 and ISCED 02) in which the country participated. This report includes only settings for children under age 3.
The international sampling plan for TALIS Starting Strong used a stratified two-stage probability sampling design. This means that staff (second-stage units, or secondary sampling units) were randomly selected from the list of in-scope staff in each of the randomly selected ECEC settings (first-stage units, or primary sampling units). The leader at each setting (i.e. the person with the most responsibility for administrative, managerial and/or pedagogical leadership) was automatically selected for participation as well. For countries with integrated ECEC systems that participated in data collection for both pre-primary education and settings for children under age 3, settings serving both age groups were split between the two samples so that each setting could be selected for participation in only one level of ECEC. A more detailed description of the survey design and its implementation can be found in the TALIS Starting Strong 2018 Technical Report (OECD, 2019[1]). Staff for children under age 3 are those who, as part of their regular duties in their centre, provide learning opportunities for children in this age group. There is no minimum cut-off for how much time staff need to be engaged with children under age 3 to be included in the TALIS Starting Strong universe.
The international target population of TALIS Starting Strong restricts the survey to those staff and leaders who work in officially registered settings providing ECEC. ECEC settings exclusively for children with special educational needs are deemed out of scope. Also considered out of scope are: short-term substitute educators (to replace staff on sick leave); nannies and other people involved in informal arrangements; volunteers who occasionally came in to provide a special activity; auxiliary staff (e.g. cleaners, cooking staff) who did not interact regularly in a pedagogical manner with the children; and medical and therapeutic staff (e.g. speech therapists, occupational therapists) whose work was primarily non-pedagogical.
For national reasons, participating countries could choose to restrict the coverage of their national implementation of TALIS Starting Strong. For example, Norway decided to exclude home-based settings (within the homes of the respective staff) from their sample, while Denmark, Germany and Israel included these settings in the universe of settings providing services for children under age 3. Participating countries were asked to keep sample exclusions to a minimum by keeping the national survey population to at least 95% of ECEC staff. The national project manager for each country was required to document the reasons for any exclusions.