The OECD Starting Strong Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS Starting Strong) is the outcome of a collaboration among the participating countries, the OECD Secretariat, and the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA) with its international consortium partners RAND Europe and Statistics Canada.
This report was prepared by Francois Keslair, under the guidance of Stéphanie Jamet, with substantial contributions from Elizabeth Shuey. Victoria Liberatore also contributed to the drafting of the report. Joana Cadima (external consultant) led a team that conducted a literature review that informed the content of the report. Andreas Schleicher and Yuri Belfali provided oversight and thoughtful leadership. Mernie Graziotin provided project support and prepared the manuscript for production. Cassandra Davis and Henri Pearson also provided support for report production and communications. The report was edited by Jennifer Allain. The authors are extremely grateful to the teams in the countries participating in the data collection with settings for children under age 3 (Denmark, Germany, Israel and Norway) who supported the project and provided valuable input and guidance on the scope and content of this report.
The technical implementation of TALIS Starting Strong was contracted out to an international consortium of institutions and experts directed by Juliane Hencke (IEA) and co-directed by Steffen Knoll (IEA), with support from Alena Becker, Viktoria Böhm, Juliane Kobelt, Ann-Kristin Koop, Agnes Stancel-Piątak, David Ebbs and Jean Dumais (Sampling Referee). Design and development of the questionnaires were led by a Questionnaire Expert Group led by Julie Belanger (RAND Europe). An independent Technical Advisory Group, chaired by Fons van de Vijver, provided guidance on the technical aspects of the survey.
The OECD Extended Early Childhood Education and Care Network on TALIS Starting Strong (chaired by Bernhard Kalicki, Germany), national project managers, the international consortium, the Questionnaire Expert Group and the Technical Advisory Group all provided valuable input at various stages of the TALIS Starting Strong data collection and reporting process. The development and implementation phases of the survey were led at the OECD by Arno Engel and Miho Taguma.