Jane Cheatley co‑ordinated the production of the report and wrote Chapters 1 and 2. Several people at the OECD namely Marion Devaux, Sabine Vuik, Martin Wenzl, Alena Piatrova, Chloe Dedryver and Jane Cheatley produced the remaining chapters (3‑14). Alexandra Aldea was in charge of the modelling work presented in Chapters 3 to 7, with support from Aliénor Lerouge who leads the public health modelling team. Finally, Michele Cecchini provided overall guidance and strategic direction for this report.
A preliminary version of the structure used to examine public health interventions (Chapters 3‑14) was submitted for written review at the October 2020 meeting of the OECD Expert Group on the Economics of Public Health (EGEPH). A selection of intervention case studies included in this report were submitted for written review at the April 2021 meeting of the OECD EGEPH. Finally, the draft report was submitted for written review at the December 2021 meeting of the OECD Health Committee. The authors would like to thank all countries who provided feedback following these meetings, which provided essential input into the final report.
Special thanks goes to Artur Furtado from the European Commission who followed the development of the project since its conceptualisation and provided inputs throughout. The authors would also like to thank the following individuals and organisations who provided input on selected chapters:
Jean-Christophe Comboroure, Isabelle de Guido and Manon Egnelle from the French Ministry of Health, as well as Anne‑Juliette Serry and Pauline Ducrot from Santé Publique, France (Chapter 3)
Annmarie Wesley from the Swedish Public Health Authority (Chapter 4)
Ardine de Wit from the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and Environment (Chapter 5)
Janus Gudlaugsson and Daði Janusson from Janus Health Promotion (Chapter 6)
JOGG, which is a Dutch organisation focused on providing a healthy environment for a healthy future for children by implementing community-based approaches in municipalities (Chapter 7)
Simon Rask, Malene Bergendorf Johansson, Bente Stærk, Sanne Møller Jensen from the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration, Gitte Laub Hansen from the Danish Cancer Society, and Rikke Iben Neess from the Danish Whole Grain Partnership (Chapter 9)
Jaana Lindström from the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (Chapter 10)
Bogdan Ivanov from Smart EpiGenetX (Chapter 14).
Francesca Colombo, Mark Pearson and Stefano Scarpetta provided valuable comments and suggestions at various stages of the project. Lucy Hulett provided essential support in the publication process, while Hannah Whybrow and Guillaume Haquin provided important administrative assistance.
This publication has been produced with the financial and substantive assistance of the European Union. The opinions expressed and arguments employed herein do not necessarily reflect the official views of the OECD member countries or the European Union.