Argentina’s productivity performance has been weak over the last 20 years and the economy is significantly less integrated into the world economy than other emerging market economies. Reducing regulatory burdens would help the recovery by opening new opportunities for both people and businesses. Restrictive regulations curtail competition and raise the costs of many goods and services, while sustaining economic rents concentrated in the hands of few. Regulatory reforms that strengthen competition and foster reallocation could also allow more firms to export, which would create jobs that pay better and are more likely to be formal, while at the same time helping to address balance-of-payment challenges. Trade barriers remain high and lowering them would raise consumer purchasing power, especially for low-income households, and significantly reduce the cost of firms’ inputs (Panel A). Argentina has been so far on the side-lines of global value chains, implying significant lost opportunities for growth and well-being.
Providing better opportunities to all children and youths requires enhancing equity and outcomes in education. This could help boost productivity and reduce income inequality at the same time. Educational outcomes remain far below OECD standards, and are strongly linked to students’ socio-economic status (Panel B). To this end, investing more in early childhood education to reduce the cognitive development gaps attributable to heterogeneous family environments early in life and reducing early drop-out rates is needed. The quality of teaching could also be improved by reshaping teacher training and supporting their professional growth early on. Scaling up vocational and technical training, for instance by strengthening active labour market policies, would help workers reap new opportunities that require different skill sets.
To improve the resilience of the economy, these reforms should be complemented by stronger efforts to reduce high labour informality and strengthen social protection for all workers. Social protection could be strengthened by building on existing cash transfer schemes, which include informal workers, while simultaneously reducing the cost of creating formal jobs, for example by reducing social security contributions for low-income workers. Once the recovery sets hold, there is significant scope to improve the efficiency of the tax system, including by broadening tax bases and moving towards less distortive taxes.